Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Just a heads up that students will be bringing home their Science Fair trifolds over the next couple of days.  Please make arrangements if your child takes the school bus as they are not permitted on the bus.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wednesday, January 22nd

Students are reminded to bring their "inspiration" for their mosaic art project that we will be starting tomorrow afternoon.  They can bring Ancient Athens pictures such as: symbols, weapons, greek gods or goddesses, etc.

Students will be creating a mosaic using "tiles" of paper that have been cut into tiny squares. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Science Fair Update

Science Fair Reminders:
The science fair is this Wednesday, January 22. For students to participate, they need to have their finished trifold, logbook, and any other project components in the Hawksnest before the 9:08 bell on Wednesday morning. Students who ride the bus will need to find another way to get their trifolds to school as trifolds are not allowed on the bus. If teachers are willing, trifolds that are brought on Tuesday could be stored in classrooms until setup time on Wednesday morning. We ask that students please bring their trifolds to the Hawksnest as soon as they arrive at school Wednesday morning, then they can go outside to play. After attendance, participating students will return to the Hawksnest and stay at their projects for the majority of the day. (They will still have their regular breaks for recess and lunch, and will also need to be in their classrooms for afternoon attendance.) Students who are unable to demonstrate appropriate behaviour in the Hawksnest will be asked to return to their classrooms and disqualified from the science fair. Parents are invited to walk through the science fair any time from 9:20-3:25, excluding recess and lunch. At 3:25, students are asked to move their trifolds into the conference room for judging. We will let the students know early next week who will move on to the city science fair and give them more information then. A lot of students still seem to have questions about logbooks. There is excellent information about logbooks as well as other project components on the city science fair's FAQ page: http://cysf.org/students/project-faq/

Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday, January 13, 2020

-Social Studies Ancient Athens brochure is due this Wednesday
-Yearbook responses are also to be handed in on Wednesday
-We had a chat today about the Young Writer's Conference that will be held on Saturday, April 25th
(Please check with your parents to see if you are able to attend on that day)
-Please continue to bring in or email your baby photo for the Yearbook

-We will be having a Math test on Thursday (it will cover Prime & Composite Numbers, Multiples, Factors, Order of Operations and Integers)

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Baby Photos for our Year Book

As part of Grade 6 Leadership, a yearbook is being created by and for Grade 6 students.  The yearbook students voted to have a few pages dedicated to baby photos.  As a result, we are requesting that you provide a baby photo of your child either by email to clwilson@cbe.ab.ca or a hard copy (no larger than 4” by 6”) by Tuesday, January 21st.  Please ensure that your child’s name is on the back of the photo or envelope.  If you provide a hard copy, it will be returned to you. 

Please note that if a Consent for CBE Use of Student Information form has not been signed, your child’s picture will not be included in the yearbook. An amendment can to signed for inclusion in the Yearbook only.